Book Title/Author: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Publisher/Year: HarperTeen 2011
Genre: YA Dystopian
Series: YES!
Other Books From Author: None!
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I purchased this book with my own money!
Juliette’s been locked up in solitary confinement for 264 days. She’s been locked away for incident which resulted in murder because her very touch is deadly but nobody knows why. While she’s locked away for being a hazard to the general population, the world as she knew it is deteriorating even more than it had been before. Food is rationed, the weather is strange, birds don’t fly anymore and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Reestablishment and the rebel movements. Juliette doesn’t realize just how important she could be on the outside until she finds out that though she’s been in solitary people have taken notice of her and want her use her power for their gain.
Do you ever have a book that you hear everybody talk about it and rave about it and it just somehow turns you off? Is that weird? I don’t know but that’s the case with this book. I heard too much about it and wasn’t intrigued enough by the summary and I thought I’d be let down. Then a few blogger friends told me I HAD to read it so I purchased it this past April when I went to Chicago for RT Convention and a Dark Days tour stop. It’s been sitting on my shelf ever since until Jen from Makeshift Bookmark demanded recently I read it when I asked for a rec!
I was nervous that it wouldn’t blow my mind like it seemed to do to everyone else. BUT FRIENDS, mind = blown. I mean, it kind of looks like a CSI crime scene around here. Shatter Me was pretty unlike things I’ve read recently and I so enjoyed it — the worldbuilding, the characters, the writing, the romance, the fast paced page-turning nature of the story. It was a book I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to finish. Something I haven’t been doing lately. You would have had to pry this book from my cold dead fingers before I’d have given it up to go to bed. I mean WHAT IF I DIED IN MY SLEEP AND NEVER FINISHED IT??! Morbid, I know, but I just needed to finish it that bad.
Immediately you know this novel is going to be different from the first page by the writing style. Lots of crossed out sentences, tons of stream of consciousness type writing. It takes some time to get used to. I found that I had to reread some parts again but it was so beautiful and it totally hones in on the state of Juliette’s mind. I felt like I was there imprisoned with her in solitary confinement. The writing just set the mood really well. You felt kind of crazy like I’m sure she did — never speaking but your brain is a lively dialogue and picture show just barreling along. I knew I was going to like this book within the first few pages. I will say that some of those elements do peter out as we get in the story but it makes sense to me as the story progresses. Juliette changes and gets out of her own head.
I found the characters (even the hateable ones — I’m looking at you WARNER) to be so intriguing and I’m excited to learn more about some of them. I’ve heard a lot of Team Warner’s being thrown around and I didn’t understand it though I’m hearing that my mind will change if I read the novella Destroy Me (which you know I have reservations about novellas) and then Unravel Me (book 2). I don’t know.
I also am incredibly drawn into this world that Mafi created — curious about how it got to the point it is, what’s up with Juliette’s special power, what Warner has planned for Juliette, where Juliette’s family is etc. etc. Everything just made me SO CURIOUS. I had a million thoughts running through my mind and I am even more anxious for Unravel Me!!
Moral of the story: When all of your blogging friends tell you to read a book, just do it. Because it might end up being one of your most memorable, favorite reads of the year! I was getting so series weary but this one is invigorating and worth getting sucked into!
I see why this book was SO very popular! It’s addicting and the ultimate page-turner filled with intriguing characters, a completely scary and imaginative dystopian society and a love story that didn’t feel out of place and haphazardly thrown in there like “OH HAI ROMANCE SELLS. GOTTA INCLUDE IT.” It’s breathtakingly different and some of Mafi’s prose is just enchanting. I’ll say it does take a little bit to take to the style of writing at first but I promise you that you’ll get to a point where you just PLOW through it. Lots of feelings happened while reading this book — rage, hope, sadness, etc.
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Let’s Talky Talk: Have you read this one? Heard of it? What did you think if you have read it? And I have to ask, did you read the novella Destroy Me? Is it worth reading?
Kristen Evey says
Ohmygosh, yes! I have “ALL THE FEELS” for this, and that’s something that hasn’t been happening lately. I want to know so much more about this world. Where did the powers come from? Why does her power not work on “certain” people? (I found this to be a tad convenient, but whatevs. I really just want an explanation for why.)
Also, on the morbid thought train, whenever I think about dying, the first thing I think about is literally: “But, I still have SO MANY books I want to read!!! What if I don’t EVER get to read them?! AHHH!” And then I start hyperventilating and go into super book reading mode. :p
Great review! Glad you liked it! Can’t wait for the next one. Also, I have the same question about Destroy Me. Is it worth it? I’m really intrigued by Warner, but… novella’s. Meh.
Jivi says
Don’t worry about Destroy Me because if it is bad (probably not) you can book throwing competition! BUT, keep in mind I haven’t read it yet!
VeganYANerds says
I feel the same way about this book! There was so much hype about it, I just tried to ignore it all but I caved when Magan said she loved it but the copy I bought is still unread on my shelf. Now that your review is one more vote in it’s favour, I’ll have to make sure I read it soon!
Magan @ Rather Be Reading says
MANDEE! READ IT SOON! I really, really don’t think you’ll be let down! xoxo
DannyBookworm says
I loved this book and what blew me away most was the writing. I listened to the audiobook and I the emotions were so incredibly transported that I was mesmerized.. And thank goodness for the romance, otherwise I would be too easy tired of Dystopian..
Jenn Soehnlin says
I must admit, I started to read this, but the writing style bugged me so I stopped reading. After your review though, I’ll give it a second chance. 🙂
Judith says
Ohhhh I’ve read a few chapters, but I can’t read any more right now. Because I know I won’t be able to stop until I’ve finished it and I REALLY need to study for my exams next week. But I already love it.
Kyle @ A Reader's Pensieve says
Yay I’m glad you liked it!! I loved this one and Taherah Mafi is fabulous in person!!
Liz @ Elizziebooks says
I’ve heard so many mixed reviews, but I may need to pick it up soon to find out what all the hubbub is about. Awesome review! Also, loving your blog layout. Super awesome 😀
Kristen says
I thought the same thing when I first started to read it! The writing style is so different, but I found myself really enjoying being thrown right into Juliette’s mind. That’s why I thought it made such a fantastic book. Can’t wait to see where it goes!
elena says
Warner is my favourite character but I thought the novella was unnecessary because it didn’t really bring anything new to the story or add a layer of depth you didn’t really know existed. I know people say they like him more after reading Destroy Me (because it works on humanising him) and I did like reading his thoughts but I feel like in a way it took an easy way out? I found him to be the most compelling character in Shatter Me but Destroy Me fell a bit flat for me.
LOL I HAVE A LOT OF WARNER FEELINGS! Anyway! I have sort of mixedish feelings (omg Elena, why are you being such a bummer?!) about this book now but I remember really loving it when I finished reading it! I am super excited about Unravel Me and can’t wait to read what happens next.
Kristen Evey says
Yay! Thank you for answering this! Especially since you say Warner is your favorite character, I think I’ll skip the novella. Don’t really like them that much, and unless it adds something to the story I don’t like to read them. 🙂
Magan @ Rather Be Reading says
Oh, Jamie! YES THIS WAS ME EXACTLY! I didn’t read it until Ginger was all “MAGAN! READ THIS NOW.” So I did. And I have to say I wasn’t really in the mood for this type of book, but within the first few pages, I was *addicted*. Usually it’s a bad idea for me to pick up something that I’m not mentally prepared for, but OH MY GOSH. SO GOOD.
Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books says
Obviously, I’m going to have to read this book now. I’ve had it on my shelf for a while, but was wary of reading it too. Your endorsement (and the endorsement of many other bloggers) has now convinced me to read it – and soon! It sounds like such a fun ride.
Jen says
Of COURSE you loved this book. It’s brilliant! I’m so glad you finally listened to me 🙂
Elisa says
I had heard about this, but didn’t realize I had to find it and pick it up NOW! Thank you for making me see the light. I will hunt this down and devour it this weekend (I hope!).
Bailey says
I still have no clue why I don’t own this book yet? It just doesn’t make sense. Especially since I keep seeing all these reviews of people loving the book to pieces. Is it wrong I like it when even the hate-able characters are interesting? Lol I don’t know. But I’m glad to see this one is like that. I just like it when I can find myself wanting to learn more about all of the character and even the one’s who are totally hate-able. Great review! Gotta read this one sooon! 🙂
Candice @ The Grown-Up YA says
Totally need to read this one! I’ve been wanting to for ohh months. Just haven’t gotten around to it. Perhaps it can be my next read! I think what I love most about this is the cover. It’s so pretty! Glad you stayed up late reading it and really loved it. 🙂
Jody says
Great review! You absolutely made me want to rush out and get this one.
Andrea says
Yay, Welcome to the club. I was the same way with this book, refusing to put it down until it was finished. I haven’t read the novella yet, but I’ve heard that you see a different side of Warner. Great review!! Happy that there is now another lover of this book 🙂
Anna says
I can’t believe you hadn’t read this yet!!!!!! So glad you finally did!
Jessica @ Just a Booklover says
Oh, I have most definitely read this book. I LOVED IT SO OG VERY MUCH! I absolutely cannot wait for the next one. Cannot. Wait. And no, I have not read Destroy Me, but I kind of want to. I’d like to learn more about Warner. And yes. Tahereh’s writing is just what you called it–enchanting. I read this book so incredibly fast, too…I didn’t want to finish it, but I did. Does that make any sense? I hope so.
LOVE this review!
Miko says
This book gave me some serious anxiety. I couldn’t put it down, but was afraid to keep reading. I loved the cross outs, so cool. And she mostly thinks in metaphors which I enjoyed interpretting and the visuals from the metaphors were cool. I really enjoyed it and almost wish it was over and wasn’t a triology, but will of course continue the series.
April says
I loved this book. It really was different. My favorite was the writing style. So beautiful. It did take a bit to get used to, but once I did I devoured it.
why is everyone hot for Warner? lol. I don’t get it. I need to read the novella and the next book, because Warner just didn’t do it for me. Maybe because I know a Warren.. and his wife is a total bitch. Ahah!! I bet that’s it. tee hee.
I cannot wait for Unravel Me. I feel like I’ve waited forever. Soon, soon. :0)
Love your review.
Jessica R says
Wow. This sounds really different and really awesome! I was hesitant to read it, like you, but seeing how completely you’ve been converted, I just might have to cave as well! 🙂
Johannah says
Alright, I’m gonna have to check this out!!!
Andrea Payan says
I completely agree with you about this book! It is fabulous and I can’t wait to read Unravel Me.
Asti (A Bookish Heart) says
I definitely get what you mean when talking about the turn-off of a book after reading so much book hype. What if you don’t get it? What if suddenly your expectations are so high that it’s impossible for it to be that good? Eek!
But I guess if the lesson of the story is to just go read it, I have some work to do. This book is on my TBR list, along with Divergent, Daughter of Shadow and Bone, and like 800 more books everyone has been telling me to go read. I’m going to be one busy girl over the summer!
Great review 🙂
Megan says
I felt the same way about this one… Excellent review!
Azrinn says
The romance makes me feel like retching , but I might only think that because I am only eleven . But who cares! The scripture of her writing is just brilliant! The characters are so interesting and unique. I can’t wait to read Unravel Me!!!
Britt says
This is one of my favorite books/series of all time! Her writing style is just so . . . AMAZING! No one else writes the way she does, and I don’t believe anyone could pull it off either. I love all the characters–Juliette, Adam, Warner, Kenji. Love ’em!